"The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." Learning combines total concentration towards exploring the unknown and seeking the right. The ideal education trains a mind into authentic questioning and acceptance with proof and satisfaction. Education is a blend, a synthesis, an amalgamation of forces that urge curiosity and initiate action. Education is not always giving the right answer it is certainly, asking the right question !
The Indian tradition has long espoused the cause of learner oriented teaching guided by learner oriented teaching material. If we dwell into the ancient Indian tradition, we sall find the importance and relevance of experience oriented learning that has been the hallmark of Indian excellence through the ages. Reposing faith in the learner and recognizing the hidden potential, to give every individual the worth of his/her being, has been the most imperative essence of all progressive education patterns.
Education at Avalon World School is an intensified focus on enabling the search of the individual within the learner. Effort is made to recognize and groom the quintessnce that makes an individual THE INDIVIDUAL. The aim is to establish the pride of the learner. While education is an attempt towards revealing the powers within, learning is advocated as a pursuit in self discovery where the pleasure and charm of achievement continues to remain the individual pride and possession of the learner.
"Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire." The education system at Avalon World School seeks to find relevance in process where the prowess of the learner is focused towards the world of wisdom. We venture to provide and ignite that individual spark which is so inimitable and so personal to every child. Our objective is to help the learner realize the positives of his/her personality and work upon strengthening the same. Dwelling upon the fundamentals of content, the focus is on the creation of an atmosphere where learning is a natural outcome of experience and exposure. We believe that education should never be administered or inducted, it should just happen.
The school experience at Avalon World School combines a holistic blend of academics with a pleasurable array of cultural, leterary and extra curricular activities complimented with games and sports to provide the basic fuel of individual exploration of the learner. Here, a multifaceted approach to the curriculum provides a platform that challenges young minds and draws them into duels of glory over the unknown. The educational structure is an attempt towords self-moulding, not instructed or inducted change.
Life is a perennial strive towards betterment. We shall always have "Promises to keep and miles to go before... sleep."
Mr RK Shakya